Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Bruce Ableson

Bruce Ableson, born September 16, 1963 in New York is an American programmer and website developer. He is best known as the inventor of Open Diary, where he is known as "The DiaryMaster". Open Diary is arguably the first online blogging community. Ableson also developed several smaller blogging and social networking sites, including Teen Open Diary and Quit Smoking Diaries.
Ableson was raised in West Bloomfield, Michigan, and graduated from Birmingham Groves High School. During high school, he worked as editor of the Groves Scriptor, became an Eagle Scout, and appeared in several short Super 8 films produced by Ted Raimi.
After graduating from Michigan State University with a degree in Telecommunications, Ableson worked for several years as a systems consultant and programmer. During this time, Ableson developed Open Diary, which was launched on October 20, 1998. His addition of reader notes on journal author's pages was an innovation in online writing, and led directly to the interactive commenting that is intrinsic to present-day blogs. Open Diary has since grown to host over five million online diaries and journals.

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