Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Hotlist

Hotlist is a geo-social networking aggregator that enables people to see where their friends are, where they've been, and where they will be. Hotlist is the only Location-based service that emphasizes future plans, in addition to providing real-time check-in information. Some blogs describe Hotlist experience as "Facebook events on steroids," and currently contains plan information for more than 100 million people, with nearly 2 billion checkins. The site’s main purpose is to keep friends in the loop; provide customized recommendations of where to go, based on factors that include the venue and crowd characteristics and the user's relationships; and view the social scene at any venue before investing time and money. 
Within twelve months of launching, Hotlist received numerous honors, including being ranked as a Top 100 Website of 2010 by PC Magazine, and being a top five finalist in a record three categories at the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show, as part of the 2010 Mashable Awards. Categories were Best Location-based Service, Best Use of an API, and co-Founder Chris Mirabile as Entrepreneur of the Year.
Hotlist was founded by Gianni Martire and Chris Mirabile after “frustrating” nights out in New York City. The duo shared a vision to quit the texting banter, stop relying on indecisive friends and end the stress of spending time and money on unsatisfying times out.

NYU Stern gave Hotlist a US$25,000 grant after winning NYU's 10th Annual Business Plan Competition. This was followed by US$800,000 in angel capital from Centurion Holdings, led by former UBS Chairman & CEO Joseph J. Grano, Jr.

Hotlist's first headquarter was Carlyle Court, an NYU dorm. Hotlist is currently operating out of the NYU Poly Incubator set up by NYU Poly and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

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