Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Telegraaf Media Groep

Telegraaf Media Groep N.V. (TMG) (Euronext: TELEG) is a Dutch media and publishing company, mostly active on the newspapers and magazines market, but also on the Internet. It also holds interests in SBS Broadcasting Group, Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau. De Telegraaf, its flagship publication, is frequently considered a populist paper. It has also bought the rising weblog GeenStijl (after having bought a large interest in it earlier) and Hyves, the most popular social network site in The Netherlands.
The company was formerly known as the NV Holdingmaatschappij De Telegraaf. Profits for 2005 were €65.4 million and the company has a market cap of €1.1 billion (May 2006).

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