Tuesday, July 12, 2011

McConnell wants to force Obama's hand on debt-aides

President Obama’s use of the bully pulpit to warn Americans about the consequences of defaulting on US government debt may be having an impact.
A new Washington Post/Pew Research Center poll shows that the percentage of Americans concerned about the consequences of not raising the debt limit has gone up since May. The figure for those more concerned that increasing the debt limit will lead to more spending and bigger debt has held steady.

The latter group is still larger – 47 percent – versus 42 percent who are more concerned about default, according to the poll taken July 7-10. But the percentage of those more concerned about default has risen seven percentage points from the last poll, taken May 19-22.

Among independent voters, the numbers are also encouraging for Mr. Obama’s position. In May, 34 percent were more concerned about default than about the potential consequences of raising the debt ceiling. In July, that number is up 11 points to 45 percent. Obama won a majority of independents in 2008, and he’s fighting to win them back in time for the 2012 election.

At his press conference Monday, Obama sought to portray himself as a pragmatist and a centrist – a posture that seemed aimed at independent voters who reject Washington’s high partisanship.

“If, in fact, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner are sincere – and I believe they are – that they don't want to see the US government default, then they're going to have to compromise just like Democrats are going to have to compromise, just like I have shown myself willing to compromise,” Obama said, referring to the Senate minority leader and House speaker.

In reality, a short-term deal can be reached just with spending cuts. But Obama was adamant about continuing to work toward a larger deal that would include entitlement spending and revenue increases. Whether he can wring any tax concessions out of the Republicans remains highly questionable.

Senate Republican Mitch McConnell plans to offer legislation to force President Barack Obama to formally request an increase in the fast-approaching $14.3 trillion U.S. debt limit, congressional aides said on Tuesday.

With lawmakers divided over how to reduce U.S. spending, the measure would also require Obama to come up with $2.1 trillion in cuts, the aides said.

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